Liminal crossings, visual prompts, peripheral perceptions, alchemical tablets, oblique inklings, slant understandings…

The language of the Unknown revealing itself to you.

The inspiration for VISUAL PRESCRIPTIONS is the ancient practice of Visio Divina – literally translated as divine seeing - a way of looking that allows us to see beneath what appears on the surface into another kind of communication that arises when we listen-in to the language of the material world.

Made using a co-creative painting technique partnering with Creation itself the prescriptions act as catalysts for unthought-thoughts, oracle-mind knowing, dreams that long for remembering - they trigger other ways of seeing, thinking and re-imagining. The prescriptions come as a set of seven original signed images, boxed in a neat travel case with a perspex display stand. There is also an explanation card that guides you in how to use them as part of your spiritual, meditation or creative enquiry practice.

VISUAL PRESCRIPTIONS make an exceptional gift for a divine person in your life – or a creative lovefest for yourself.

with love, Suzette xox

*Click on each image and it will take you through to more images and the shopping cart