New works…from the studio

When I created these paintings - OUR BODIES ARE THE PERIODIC TABLE - an ongoing series of works on architectural tracing paper using natural pigments, inks + salt - I could not believe how these paintings created themselves. I have been painting for over five decades - I know what happens when I put a certain colour with another colour, or a certain type of paint with another substance. I know that inks might leave a slightly shiny surface, I know how water might affect the image when I flood the paper with it...and then of course I don't know. Because the real creator is not me. I am witness + collaborator, co-participant and co-mingler to energies that are both mine and not.

When I am painting, I am, what ecologist and Buddhist teacher Joanna Macy calls a "flow-through". I am completely and utterly with myself whilst being in another space/time/dimension bringing through akashic memory of other bodies, other places, other times. In all of one moment I am with all the energies that have ever been and yet to become -and still on my knees crouching on the floor in my studio with buckets of watery pigments, spray bottles of ink, jars of dust and lots of paper towel.

OUR BODIES ARE THE PERIODIC TABLE - SERIES OF 6 - 110CM X 140CM - Tracing paper, Natural pigments, inks, SALT + ENERGY


LUNATIONS are an ongoing series of larger works on canvas that call in the energies of the Divine Cosmic Mother. LUNATIONS embrace the deeper circadian rhythms of the psyche, the seasons, the moon, the movement of day to night and return, that run beneath surface consciousness and connect us to Source.

Created using Constructed Canvas, Beeswax, Natural Pigments, Inks, Gold Dust + metallic acrylic paints - the colours conjure ocean, treasure, azure, lapiz, ancient maps…alchemy

Size: 150cm x 140cm - 60” x 55” SOLD

You can plan a studio visit to see LUNATIONS or email: suzettecloughart@gmail.com

March 2022 in the Studio

“When I stopped trying to paint ‘something’ and opened to listening to the voice of the painting, Her body stories arrived. Guardian spirits emerged from the pigments; rock beings protecting the sacred interior of cave and womb came through onto the body of the paper, sloughed-off beeswax serpent skins shed themselves as actual living material forms from the canvas to floor. The Great Mother’s tools showed up: stone axes, cloaks, blankets and cups, star bodies birthing whole galaxies, hollowed-out bones, baobab ancestor tree spirits, mycelial sporic tapestries, intricate webs, beehives, prehistoric animal guides.  The Devas of Earth were calling out from beyond the veil to trust our original pattern Ancestors. “

From my article: Remembering our Original Pattern Ancestors - Painting as a Way of Knowing Earth

- Dark Matter - Women Witnessing

Does your prayer have roots? Does your story have fur? Does your metaphor have an eco-system?

~ Sophie Strand #cosmogyny


Genuine art, is simply human creation that does not stifle the nonhuman element but, rather allows whatever is Other in the materials to continue to live and breathe.

~ David Abrams ~ The Spell of the Sensuous

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In the studio

Working from the Collective Unconscious - my paintings are oracular images that tell stories from the far past, future and present unfolding…

Our very cells reverberate with the same patterns as the genesis of the Universe. We are made of the same complex luminous fabric. Once we know this, truly - in every shining filigree of our Being - we can never go back to not knowing our radical interconnectedness.


In the studio after Lockdown 2021

 New work in the studio Mapping the Invisible…

New work in the studio Mapping the Invisible…

Genuine artistry does not impose a wholly external form upon some ostensibly “inert“ matter, but rather allows the form to emerge from the participation and reciprocity between the artist and her materials, whether those materials be stones, pigments, or spoken words.

~ David Abrams ~ The Spell of the Sensuous